Narrative Writing Activity: Corrections and Resubmissions
Narrative Writing Activity
Corrections and Resubmissions
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving break! I have received numerous emails about the possibility of redoing the Narrative Writing Activity and decided to address that in detail here!
Students, regardless of the grade you received, may make corrections/revisions and resubmit this assignment. The deadline is December 4th, before midnight.
Please carefully read through the information and suggestions below:
The assignment is worth 30 points total in the performance (summative) category. We will have more assignments in this category throughout the term; I hope to have at least 5-6 per term. Since this is our only one for this term so far, it will look scarier when graded due to this category being weighted at 80% of your term grade. As more assignments are added, this will balance out better. The main idea, for the district, is to make our grades reflect a student's ability to perform the skills we practice in class.
The rubric for this assignment is split into three categories:
- Story Elements (10 points): This covers the effective use of story elements such as mood, imagery, plot structure, etc. in showing readers the event(s) that occurred.
- Connection to a Larger Message (10 points): Students must connect the story experience to a larger message. Consider answering questions such as: how did I grow from this, what did I learn, how was my perspective changed, what insights did I learn about myself/others, why was this significant, how has this motivated me, etc.
- Mechanics/Conventions (10 points): This includes grammar, overall structure and organization, spelling, etc.
Strengths and Weaknesses
After grading, the vast majority of students demonstrated great use of story elements to show rather than tell as well as build suspense or create mood. Students successfully captured the audience's attention with clever hooks and transitions. Overall, the stories were excellent and fun to read.
For the most part, mechanics and conventions were executed fairly well. Common mistakes included writing the entire narrative as one giant paragraph, using difficult-to-read fonts or unusual font sizes, minor grammatical and spelling issues, and lack of details making it hard to understand some sections.
The Connection to a Larger Message part of the rubric is where most students lost points. While many told an excellent story, the bottom is: how is this significant and what does it say about you as a person? This will be crucial for our Admissions Essays that we will start after the break. There should be a roughly 50-50 balance between the event and how it impacted you. Many students left this out entirely causing them to lose one-third of the points possible.
Grading Resubmissions
Students may only resubmit their essay one time. The final due date is December 4th. Resubmissions will not hurt your grade. If your resubmitted essay would score lower than the original, you will retain the higher score. There is no limit on how many extra points you can get on your resubmission. For example, if you scored a zero, you could still get 100% if your resubmission merited that score.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me or message me on remind! Enjoy your break!
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