Release about Masks for In-Person Classes

 Release about Masks for In-Person Classes

Below is a release from the district reminding families about wearing masks when we transition back to in-person classes. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


We want to make families aware that students who return to the classroom on October 14 will be required to wear masks for the majority of the school day.  As previously communicated, schools will offer frequent breaks which allow students to remove their masks while socially distanced.  Students will be able to remove the mask while they eat or drink.  But, for most of the day, students and staff will be masked.  This includes the bus, the classroom, and moving throughout the building. 

Kindergarten students in Scott County will be required to wear a mask, consistent with the expectation for students in grades 1-12.  This is a change from the guidance previously communicated.  After careful consideration, district leaders determined mask usage by kindergarten students to be in the best interest of all students and staff who share common areas like buses, hallways, restrooms, and cafeterias.

Preschool students enrolled at Scott County Preschool will not be required to mask, based on guidance from the Department of Public Health and concern regarding strangulation and choking hazards for young children.  Only preschool students ride preschool buses and only preschool classes are present at the school limiting co-mingling with other age groups.

Teachers and staff will also be masked throughout the majority of the day.  This includes the use of masks by teachers providing instruction in a classroom, even if socially distanced from students.

We understand there are some medical reasons which may necessitate a mask exemption for some students.  The medical exemption form is available on the Scott County Schools website and is linked here for your convenience:  The form must be completed by a physician and returned to the school of attendance.

It is important for parents to understand that students who choose to return to school in person but do not wear a mask will be located in a separate area for the day to limit exposure and maintain social distance to keep everyone safe. This includes students who have a documented medical exemption.

In the coming weeks, look for additional information regarding the return to school in person in Scott County.


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