Fall Break Travel Information
Fall Break Travel Information
Below is a release from the district regarding travel, especially out-of-state travel, during fall break:
Scott County Schools will be on fall break on October 5-9, 2020. There will be no virtual classes during this time. We anticipate that some students and staff members will travel during fall break and wanted to address questions related to expectations for travel and self-quarantine recommended by government officials.
In July, the Kentucky Department for Public Health issued a travel advisory with the recommendation of a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers who go to any state reporting a positive testing rate equal to or greater than 15% of COVID-19 testing. An up-to-date listing of these states is posted at www.kycovid19.com. This list changes frequently but, at the time of this printing (9/28/20), the following states were included in the travel advisory: Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
The Department of Public Health also advises citizens use extra precaution when traveling to states reporting positive testing rates equal to or greater than 10% of COVID-19 testing. Historically, states to watch include: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and South Carolina.
If a student or staff member of Scott County Schools plans to travel during fall break, we ask that they monitor this situation and make plans ahead of time to ensure the safety of our schools and community. If traveling to a hot spot state, self-quarantine would be required before returning to school. You may also schedule a COVID-19 test to be completed 72 hours after your return from a state on the list and can return to school with proof of a negative test result.
If a student or staff member of Scott County Schools plans to travel during fall break, we ask that they monitor this situation and make plans ahead of time to ensure the safety of our schools and community. If traveling to a hot spot state, self-quarantine would be required before returning to school. You may also schedule a COVID-19 test to be completed 72 hours after your return from a state on the list and can return to school with proof of a negative test result.
As previously stated, the list of states under the travel advisory is updated frequently. This may cause some confusion when you consider individual travel plans. An updated list of the states that Scott County Schools will recognize as part of the required 14-day self-quarantine during the week of fall break will be available on the district website on October 11.
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