
Showing posts from September, 2020

Fall Break Travel Information

 Fall Break Travel Information Below is a release from the district regarding travel, especially out-of-state travel, during fall break: Scott County Schools will be on fall break on October 5-9, 2020.  There will be no virtual classes during this time.  We anticipate that some students and staff members will travel during fall break and wanted to address questions related to expectations for travel and self-quarantine recommended by government officials. In July, the Kentucky Department for Public Health issued a travel advisory with the recommendation of a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers who go to any state reporting a positive testing rate equal to or greater than 15% of COVID-19 testing.  An up-to-date listing of these states is posted at .  This list changes frequently but, at the time of this printing (9/28/20), the following states were included in the travel advisory: Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.  Th...

Release about Masks for In-Person Classes

 Release about Masks for In-Person Classes Below is a release from the district reminding families about wearing masks when we transition back to in-person classes. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 We want to make families aware that students who return to the classroom on October 14 will be required to wear masks for the majority of the school day.  As previously communicated, schools will offer frequent breaks which allow students to remove their masks while socially distanced.  Students will be able to remove the mask while they eat or drink.  But, for most of the day, students and staff will be masked.  This includes the bus, the classroom, and moving throughout the building.  Kindergarten students in Scott County will be required to wear a mask, consistent with the expectation for students in grades 1-12.  This is a change from the guidance previously communicated.  After careful consideration,...

School Opening Information

 School Opening Information Below is a statement from the school district concerning a change in the date we will open for in-person school. Feel free to email or message me if you have any questions! FOR RELEASE September 18, 2020 School will open for in person classes in Scott County on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020.  Families in Scott County still have the option to choose what best meets their needs, whether they plan to send students to school in person or elect to continue virtual learning.  Teachers will be in contact with families to determine plans specific for each student.  For your planning purposes, please note that virtual learning will continue as scheduled through Friday, Oct. 2.  The week of Oct. 5-9 will be Fall Break.  Oct. 12-13 will be used to transition between virtual and in person, allowing time for students to complete their virtual learning program and schools to make needed changes to the master schedule to accommodate all students....

Newsletter: Week of 9-14

 Newsletter: Week of 9-14 One week down! It has been a hectic week, but I think a lot of us are starting to get the hang of the new technology and things have started to go smoother! Thank you all for your hard work and perseverance! It's stressful enough to deal with so many changes in our lives, but then to compound it with an entirely different mode of learning has definitely aggravated the situation! However, it will get easier as we move forward! I have become aware of many of the tech errors I created within these first two weeks of activities and, after some experimentation, feel confident about the Google Classroom platform as well as many of the apps that can utilized with it! Let's stay motivated and rock out the rest of the Getting to Know Me assignments! Looking Ahead: Weeks 2 and 3 This week (week 2), we will continue with our Getting to Know Me activities. These activities serve two primary functions: to get to know each other and to learn the basics of several of...

Summer Reading Assignment for 2020-21 School Year

 Summer Reading Assignment for 2020-21 School Year A few of you guys have informed me that you did not get any information regarding the summer assignments; so, I decided to post that information here! Try to completely read your book within the first week of school so that you will not fall behind with any related assignments! Let me know if you have any questions! AP Lang/Comp You will need to read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. We will reference this book throughout various activities in our first unit. English 4 You can select any book from the list below: 2020 – 2021 Kentucky Bluegrass Award Master List for 9-12 KBA     Athena Protocol / Shamin Sarif / Harper Teen, 2019. Jessie Archer is a member of the Athena Protocol, an elite organization of female spies who enact vigilante justice around the world. Athena operatives are never supposed to shoot to kill—so when Jessie can’t stop herself from pulling the trigger, she gets kicked out of the organization, right befo...