NTI Prompts for May
NTI Prompts for May
For each NTI day, choose ONE JOURNAL to respond to. If there is only ONE, you will
respond to that journal. When you are finished, you may submit it via email or by sharing a google doc. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me by email or Remind!
Please include the following with each submission: Name, Date of NTI Work, and Class Period.
respond to that journal. When you are finished, you may submit it via email or by sharing a google doc. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me by email or Remind!
Please include the following with each submission: Name, Date of NTI Work, and Class Period.
May 4th (Monday)
Choose one of the prompts below:- Choose a color that describes how you feel today, and explain why this color is the
best explanation of the feeling. Find someone who chose the same color, and
compare and contrast your reasons. - Describe the best memory you made at Scott County High School this school year.
Be as descriptive as possible.
May 5th (Tuesday)
Choose one of the prompts below:- “We can shoot rockets into space, but we can’t cure anger or discontent.” -John
Steinbeck. Which do you feel Americans should invest more in: space travel or
mental health? Explain your choice. - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Imagination is more
important than knowledge. Explain your position.
May 6th (Wednesday)
Choose one of the prompts below:- Create a playlist of your life with two to three songs. You can showcase one
“chapter” of your life or your whole life. Explain what each song means to you. - What are some victories/successes you experienced last week? Explain.
May 7th (Thursday)
Respond to the prompt below:- You have read a lot of books this school year. Create a list of each of the books you have
read from your favorite to least favorite. Explain why each book is placed where it is on your
May 8th (Friday)
Choose one of the prompts below:- Describe the last class when your teachers and classmates were all gathered in the
same building. What do you remember about that day? What did you do in your
classes? What experiences did you share with your friends? Where did you
hangout on campus? What did you post on social media? What do you wish you
could change about that day? Explain. - “Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What do you want to be doing? What would
it mean for you to be “living your dreams”?
May 11th (Monday)
Be sure to submit your NTI work from March 16-May 8 to your teachers. Use this day to catch up on any work!May 12th (Tuesday)
ALL NTI is due to your teacher! This is your DEADLINE.This is also the DEADLINE for all late/missing work!!!
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