NTI Days 19-23: Apr. 13-17

NTI Days 19-23: Apr. 13-17

NTI 19-20: April 13-14

For Monday and Tuesday this week, please complete the survey below. At the end of each school year, I ask all students to complete a brief survey over my course. You do NOT have to provide your name. Please respond honestly and with as much detail as possible. I take your feedback seriously and continuously strive to improve as a professional. Your responses will have an impact on how I teach next year. Lastly, this is only for my personal use and is not shared with the school or administration. Only I will see your responses.

Student Survey Link: https://forms.gle/FSKgv4ks4UuQU5MP6

NTI 21-23: April 15-17

For Wednesday through Friday, the entire school will provide time to make up late NTI work. This is also an excellent time to make up any late or missing work in general that you may have. If you wish to make up late work, feel free to email me and I will send you the work along with directions!


  1. I don't have permission to take the survey, you might want to check if we can take it.

  2. It won't allow me to go to the website


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