Updates and Considerations

Updates and Considerations

As we approach spring break, I just wanted to list some of the information that has been passed down as well as a few things, especially for seniors, to consider moving forward.


  • School is closed until April 20th. We will continue conducting NTI work and will still observe spring break (no work will be given over the break).
  • KPREP testing is cancelled state-wide. Hon. Eng. 2 students: you will not be taking spring MAP and will most likely not take the End of Course (EOC) exam.
  • Continue completing NTI work. Please submit work via email or google docs to me and leave Remind for quick questions. It is too easy to lose work via Remind and I cannot keep a record of files sent to me via Remind.
  • Remind and my teacher website will continue to be the offical channel of communication for my courses. Please check both daily!


  • No information has been released about senior activities or graduation. Consider the possibility of cancellations. I hate that this may be possible. You all are deserving of recognition! Stay strong, push through, and grow from any experiences you encounter; regardless if it is positive or negative! I am proud of everything you guys have achieved! 
  • Seniors, if you have been accepted to a university or college, or are applying, consider the impact on applications, semester start dates, or even if classes may begin online. 
  • Seniors, further consider the impact on starting, or keeping,  a job. It may be an extremely difficult time to enter numerous professions. Hang in there! Things will slowly go back to normal!
  • Consider that many schools and universities around the nation have completely shut down school. It may be possible that we finish the year early (maybe even on April 20). If so, you have even less time to prepare for the year to end. Plan to make up late or missing work at a pace that will give you time if school does finish early and grades become final!
As more information is released to us, I will post it and try to keep you guys up to date. Stay positive and take safety precautions as much as possible! We'll get through it!


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