Week of Sept. 3 Newsletter
Week of Sept. 3 Newsletter
Our first full week of school has gone by! Students have completed their first performance assessment: a quiz over the behavior expectations in the syllabus. Students may retake the quiz if they did not achieve the score they wanted!
English 4
This week, seniors will continue with the poetry unit. We will compare/contrast and analyze various types of poetry. Emphasis will be on stylistic and structural considerations across differing typologies.
Also, if a senior student has not reached benchmarks on their ACT test, they will be required to take the KYOTE test Wednesday morning (Sept. 4). They should receive a note from guidance with more information if they need to take this test.
Honors English 2
We will be adding to our analysis of tone/mood by studying diction, connotation, and denotation as well as moving deeper into visual analysis. This will be crucial for us to analyze the graphic novel Persepolis, which we will begin reading later in the unit.
Let's have another wonderful week! Feel free to contact via email, Remind, or even in the comments!
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